Good Women of China

Rethinking the intensity of my mission against self-sacrificing. On the way to a speaking tour in Malaysia and Singapore, I found myself rethinking my normal position against excessive self-sacrificing.

Unfit for Travel: A Lesson in Gracious Acceptance

“Unfit for travel”—certainly NOT the words I wanted to hear a day before my final speaking engagements in Kuala Lumpur.

Being a tool of self torture or an instrument of inspiration?

Talk about perfect timing…while looking for blog topics I found this quote sent to me by a member of the SYIT (Save Your Inner Tortoise) Club– so named for those of us reshaping our wise inner tortoises as life proceeds.

Make ‘being enough’ a game!

Calling all perfectionists and procrastinators! Have you hit the brick wall of frustration and overwhelm? Want to know the singular reason you hit it? TAKE A DEEP BREATH! Here it is… Many in this branch of the ‘never enough club’ make sure we never quite make it.