
“Good news. You don’t have to change everything
for everything to change.” – Carol

1 on 1 Coaching with Carol

Having utilized coaches myself for decades, I appreciate that a 1:1 relationship is sometimes the ideal way get on the right track (or as is often my case…OFF the track I have been reluctant to leave.) That seems to be especially true for clients that come to me after learning about emotions as a territory of learning via my work with emotional agility.

Most of us make easy changes. We even take pleasure in them. However changing what we truly dislike or can no longer abide in ourselves—say from chronic disappointment to selective ambition or from daily anger to recurrent satisfaction–can seem daunting or even unlikely. NOT TRUE. When I discovered my rather nasty and long term resentful side, I was quite embarrassed realizing that others knew well before me. I was overwhelmed at first. My changing started a little bit each day and, over time, I craved satisfaction instead of blaming. I wanted to be happy vs. righteous about how unhappy I was and how others were to blame. Out of that experience and doing the same with clients, came my process of emotional agility. (Detailed in my SAVE YOUR INNER TORTOISE.) As the winning strategy, I designed this coaching to be a simple process at a deliberate pace (like my tortoise character). That lets each of us notice progress right away and day after day as we practice. Over time, we become more and more the person we aspire to be.

Email me at to schedule a complimentary conversation about what you’d like to change from and into…

1 on 1 Coaching – Single meeting $400

1 on 1 Coaching – Bundle of 3 meetings $1050 (A savings of $150)